
FaBTest is a pre-consented site for the development and testing of Marine Energy Convertors (MECs). We are a nursery site and not grid connected, so all generated power must be consumed on site via a dump load. Our pre-consented status reduces risk, uncertainty, time and cost. So long as your design fits within the defined "Rochdale envelope" of permitted devices, we can offer certainty of deployment permission. FaBTest also supports supply chain activity in the area and facilitates world-leading, multi and inter-disciplinary research for the marine renewables sector from the University of Exeter.

The following types of devices can be deployed, subject to permits issued by Falmouth Harbour Commissioners:

  • Substantially buoy-shaped device with a maximum diameter of 30m;
  • Substantially box-shaped device with a maximum dimensions of 30m x 30m or equivalent area;
  • Substantially tubular-shaped device with a maximum length of 180m;
  • Floating platform type device with maximum dimensions of 35m x 35m or equivalent area; and Subsystem connectors and umbilicals;
  • Mooring systems are restricted to gravity and drag embedment anchors.
  • Guarded underwater turbines are also permitted.
  • Consent for a defined range of floating wind devices is underway.
  • Consent for the demonstration of Autonomous marine devices is also underway.
  • Thanks to the pre-consented status, the application process for deployment on FaBTest is relatively straight forward. The application requires evidence of engineering due diligence, environmental and other risk assessments, as well as deployment and decommissioning plans and evidence of required insurance and financial bonds.

    Detailed requirements are set out in the documents below: